The Snake Oil PeddlerA Ragtime Fantasy for Band
Coleman, Christopher
Medicine shows traveled around small-town America throughout the 1800s and even into the early 1900s. These were often eleborate affairs with several different musical acts, perhaps a juggler or magician or comedian, and culminating in the presentation of a miracle elixir which became know as "Snake Oil" - for sale for a limited time only, said to cure everything from baldness to death of less than two weeks! What a subject for a piece! Tortuous transformations take the heavy, road weary caravan to the fever pitch and excitment of the Snake Oil Peddler's weaving of malicious spells. Exciting, infectious, a great entertainment for both band and audience alike.
Grade AB 7-8 US 5
c: 14 minutes
Set and Score


Score preview
The Snake Oil Peddler Coleman